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Mr Bit Experiments with Sensors and Devices

When your Mr Bit Starter Kit is ready, you can experiment with connecting sensors to your micro:bit and controlling devices.

To get you started, here are some sample experiments.  Instructions for a full set of 18 experiments, coding examples and a list of components are available for free download.


The examples here show three equivalent systems:

Making connections

Mr Bit experiments.pdf

Download Mr Bit Experiments with Sensors and Devices Devicesonents list


If you have a smoke alarm, from time to time you need to test it to make sure that it still works and the battery is not flat.

Create a program to sound continuous beeps after a button gets pressed.  The beeps should stop when you press the button for a second time.

from microbit import *

status = False

while True:

   if button_a.was_pressed():

       status = not status    

   if status == True:





When button A gets pressed, pulse the buzzer until button A gets pressed again.


A perfect photograph depends upon allowing the right amount of light into the camera – if there is too much light, the picture is overexposed – too little light and the picture is too dark.  As well as the light sensor, this experiment uses a yellow LED to show when the light is just right but a red LED at other times.

Create a program which lights up a Yellow LED when the light level is between 50% and 60%, but lights up a Red LED for all other light values.

from microbit import *

while True:

   light_level = pin0.read_analog() #sensor

   if light_level < 500 or light_level > 600:

       pin1.write_digital(1)  #Red LED

       pin2.write_digital(0)  #Yellow LED




Switch on the Red LED until it is lighter than 50 and it is darker than 60.

Switch on the Yellow LED until it is darker than 50 or it is lighter than 60.


With a temperature sensor and a buzzer connected to the micro:bit pins: Create a program to sound the buzzer when the temperature gets too cold or too hot.

from microbit import *

while True:

   reading = pin0.read_analog() #sensor

   temperature = reading / 10

   if temperature < 15 or temperature > 25:

       pin1.write_digital(1)  #red LED




When it is cooler than 15 or warmer than 25, switch on the buzzer for 0.5 seconds.

Wait for 2 seconds.

Find out more about Mr Bit teaching resources for the BBC micro:bit.

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